1,000 Moment of Love in Action

One Thousands Acts of Love
For God so loved the world he gave… From now until Easter, we’re on a mission to share 1,000 moments of love in action—one person at a time. Every week, we’re inviting every person in our church to pause, notice, and stop for someone—to serve them, share a meal, talk, pray, or give.
Every small moment tells a big story of a God who sees us, stops for us, and loves us in the everyday moments of life. This isn’t about big gestures—it’s about simple obedience. It’s about taking our eyes off ourselves and seeing those Jesus loves. When we stop for one, heaven touches earth.
Will you be part of the 1,000?
Here’s how it will work:
1. Find a moment to extend love to a neighbor or stranger.
2. Share your story with the church by texting it to 833-481-0367
3. Together, we’ll celebrate every small act done with great love.

Why Night & Day Prayer?
Prayer is the act of gazing unveiled into the face of Jesus, speaking and living in response to his loving union with us. Isaiah 62 reminds us that God will not rest until his full redemptive purposes come to pass, and that we, as watchmen on the wall, are to join in a continuous cry for full redemption to come. In Luke 18, Jesus tells a parable promising that as we cry out, God pours out his justice.

Why Now?
In recent history, our nation has been littered by destruction in every societal sphere–political division, ethnic division, church division; violence on our streets and our schools; climate, economic, and mental health crises; natural disasters and increasing poverty; human rights for the immigrant and the unborn.
If ever there was a time for the Church to lift our eyes and raise our voices as one, it is now.

What are we praying for?
In Matthew 7, Jesus invites his disciples to ask, seek, and knock on the door of heaven because the Father delights in giving good gifts to his children.
We believe this is a time to ask the Father for revival in the Church and renewal in our land. We long to experience a fresh outpouring of His Spirit UNTO to the restoration of hearts, homes, cities, and nations. That brokenness and division would be healed and our nation would come to know the love and power of Jesus.