Change the lives of widows and orphans in Mexico through a monthly financial gift in 2023.
For 15 years, Vinelife has turned our attention to the people of Mexico during the Christmas season. We’ve helped support missions work in Mexico through a ministry led by Mike & Nancy Jinnette called Amigos of Mexico.
This November, we are raising pledges to support 4 missions areas in Mexico throughout 2023. Even a small amount, donated every month can change lives!
Each Sunday of November we are inviting you to pledge a monthly donation that will fund these key areas so gospel ministry can continue all year long.
This Sunday, fill out a pledge card, or go to with the amount of your monthly pledge.
*Your first donation will not need to be given until January 2023.
1. Reto a La Juventud (Teen Challenge Youth Center)
Vinelife has been a strong friend and supporter of Reto a la Juventud Teen
Challenge Women’s Center in Juarez, Mexico for more than 25 years. Since our
precious sister Elena de Porras, an upper-middle class Mexican believer, single-
handedly started Reto 40 years ago, more than 1000 girls and women of all ages have been freed from dangerous streets all over Mexico to receive the love of Jesus
and the power of the Holy Spirit to break the grip of drugs, alcohol, eating disorders prostitution, and other addictive behaviors.
The program is balanced between spiritual, educational, physical and moral disciplines all based on the principles of the Word of God. There is training in sewing, cooking, basic computer skills, and cosmetology.
3. Christian Children’s School
Colegio Bilingue de los Aguilas (Bilingual School of the Eagles) was founded by Pastor Antonio Unzuela in 2008 because he wanted not only his own children but many others to have an opportunity for Christian-based education. Jeri was the first teacher and is president of the board. The school now has 150 students in grades K through 9. Many of the children are Tarahumara natives, and few of the students’ families can afford the $50.00/month tuition. Many of the teachers volunteer their services, and most of those who are paid work for half of what city schools pay which is a great sacrifice for them and their families. Many believers say the School of the Eagles is the best evangelistic tool in the region.
2. Lirio Children’s Home
Guachochi was the first Mexican town we had ever entered that didn’t have a children’s home. Around the time we started ministering in Guachochi, the mayor’s office decided to start one and reached out to a Christian group, Lirio de los Valles (Lily of the Valleys), for help. We also were led to partner with them. They started in a small 4 bedroom house with 24 kids, but the Mayor’s office provided 5 acres for them to build. The Lord has given them a modern facility with boys and girls dormitories, a multi-purpose room, and a commercial kitchen,
but the children had no real playground. In addition to the annual Christmas gifts, Amigos has provided a large sandbox and swing set as well as basketball and soccer equipment. We also promote tutoring and monthly celebrations which are supported through the local churches.
4. Church Plant
Israel and Jessica Montejo have been pastors at Iglesia Jesus el Salvador for 3 years. This church was founded 30 years ago by Jeri and Harold Adair. Jeri still serves as the “Abuela” (Grandma) of everyone in Guachochi, as well as President of the board of Eagle School and deacon of El Salvador church. The church has continued to grow and is ministering once a month with the Tarahumara natives who live in the remote San Ignacio region 45 minutes from Guachochi. Iglesia el Salvador hopes to plant a church there. Vinelife’s “Blessing Bucks” donation will go toward a Christmas Fiesta in San Ignacio provided by El Salvador members with a gospel message, music, lots of food, a piñata and a gift bag for each child.