Advisory Team

“…wisdom is found in those who take advice.” Proverbs 13:10

Church of the Lookout is a non-denominational church, yet relationally connected to leaders around the USA and around the world. As an autonomous church, we recognize the need for external input into the life and health of our community. For this reason, the eldership has established an outside Advisory Team consisting of a small group of experienced, Spirit-led, kingdom friends and leaders to bring a fullness of perspective and discernment to our leadership.



Jon Petersen

Castlerock, CO

About Jon Petersen

Born in Japan, raised in multicultural environments, overcoming sexual trauma, and introduced to Christ at an early age, Jon became increasingly aware of a divine call to love the church in all its expressions, while feeling an “ache” to see Jesus experienced beyond the boundaries of institutional paradigms. Growing up in a diversity of global settings, he often felt an urge to go to “the fringes” where the Kingdom of God had not yet been experienced.

Sensing the call of God to move to Colorado in 2006, while traveling internationally to help launch 24-7 Prayer’s organizational framework. In 2018, the Father gave a clear call to “engage” the church and the city again which led to the birth CityTable.

CityTable catalyzes new expressions of the church in cities across the globe through the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom to empower every follower of Christ – civic, cultural, church, and marketplace leaders. CityTable brings city leaders together to seek for God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Jon and his wife Mindy have three children, eight granddaughters, and one grandson – all teenagers – joyful pandemonium!

Mary Jean Powers

Longmont, CO

About Mary Jean Powers

Mary Jean Powers lives in Colorado, where she is surrounded by friends and family. She has two married sons in the area as well as five grandchildren.

Mary Jean has been involved in various ministries throughout the course of her life, beginning at Northwest Nazarene University in Idaho through her current position as President of Get the Word Out! She has been a youth pastor, music minister, worship team leader, church pianist, Christian school music & Bible teacher, recording artist & short-term missionary,. Through it all she has had a passion and calling for teaching the Word. This calling led to ordination by Evangel Ministerial Association. Mary Jean has a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Education, and a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies through International Bible College and Seminary.

One of the primary ways she disciples people is by coming alongside pastors and missionaries all over the world. This personal connection with church leaders continues to develop as she travels across international and denominational borders.

Mary Jean’s current endeavor in Get the Word Out! is to awaken the Church to the power of the Word of God, so that each disciple of Jesus learns to hear God’s voice through His Word.

Gary & Emily Lee

Steve Bruns

Stavanger, Norway

About Steve Bruns

Steve Bruns, born in 1959, is an American who has spent most of his life in Norway. He grew up in Japan as a missionary kid, and in Boulder, Colorado. He moved to Norway in 1981 to work as a musician in the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra. There he met Jesus and started to follow him. He met and got married to Anne Kristin and they now have four grown children. In 1999-2000, the family spent a year in Boulder where Steve worked as an intern at Vinelife Church. Following that year, he left his career in music and became a full-time pastor on the staff of the IMI Church in Stavanger.

Since 2009, he has led a movement called Agenda1 that equips leaders to build missional churches that fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples who make disciples and change the world. This has now grown to include hundreds of churches in 21 countries on four continents. 

Steve is passionate about helping the church to become the living, flourishing and unified body of Christ that God intended it to be. He has the gifting of a shepherd and loves to help people find their true identity and the freedom to live the life God has prepared for them. 

What is the role of the Advisory Team?

The Advisory Team is invited to join the Eldership on a quarterly basis to join in the collective pursuit of God’s guidance for the Church of the Lookout family. They carry no formal authority, but have agreed to submit their wisdom, experience, biblical insights, and prophetic promptings as needed for the building up of the Body. While the Eldership commits to honoring the input received from the Advisory Team, the Elders are accountable for their own actions and remain the final decision-makers in all matters.The Advisory Team is considered to be a cohort of faithful and consistent partners in times of peace and, when necessary, in times of crisis.

Questions or Comments? Contact our Lead Elder, Bob Young, at