Adapted from John Smed’s Prayerwalking in the City


 Why Prayer Walking?

  • Prayer walking is the act of joining God’s Presence with your place.
  • Praying together (2×2) is powerful.
  • Prayer walking stirs your heart to see people, places and needs through God’s eyes. It gives you “harvest eyes” rather than “cloistered fear.”
  • Prayer strengthens Christians and it brings evangelists to a neighborhood as we pray for the Lord to send “laborers into his harvest.”
  • Prayer walking opens the doors and hearts to the gospel.
  • Prayer walking changes
    • Neighborhoods into mission fields
    • Homes into ministry centers
    • Believers into missionaries and pastors
    • Renters and Residents into Landlords and Owners
    • Churches into the central place of kingdom renewal


How to Begin

  • Choose a location (neighborhood, city street, school, city park, town fair)
  • Try to go in groups of two to four — pairing up is best (or on your own).
  • Pray as you walk, out loud, eyes open. Stop at corners and landmarks.
  • Pray shorter prayers. Pass it back and forth.
  • Listen to each other and play off each others’ prayers — to focus on a specific need or opportunity, to continue on a prayer theme.


What to Pray

  • Pray for God to give you “harvest eyes” and a spirit of grace and supplication.
  • Ask for boldness and open doors to this city, community. Confess fears, weaknesses, lack of concern for those “outside.”
  • Pray the Scripture. Ask the Holy Spirit for specific passages to declare over the location.
  • Pray for God to give insight into his specific kingdom plans and purposes for this community/city. Ask to fit into his plan. Rejoice in the opportunity.
  • Pray for the Christians and churches in the community/area you are walking in. Pray that our homes/church would be “ministry centers” of the church in our community.
  • Pray for the critical needs in the neighborhood you are walking — social, economic, spiritual, etc.
  • Pray for specific streets/houses/people you meet. Hit the critical intersections and nerve centers with specific prayer.